Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The currently online version of our Privacy Policy is the only one opposable for the duration of use of the application, until a new version replaces it. The user must be notified of the new version if necessary.We will then designate:

● «Application»: the Pass Jeunes application to be installed on IOS or Android.

● «User»: the Internet user visiting and using the services of the application.

● «Publisher»: the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, responsible for publishing and the content of the application.

● «Data Controller»: The natural or legal person, public authority, institution or any other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data, including including the security measures concerning the operation and use of the Pass Jeunes. Unless otherwise stated, the Data Controller is the Pass Jeunes Owner.

● «Personal data»: Any information which, directly, indirectly or in connection with other information – including a personal identification number – allows the identification or identifiability of a natural person, as provided by article 1 of law n° 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of February 18, 2009, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (it should be noted that there is a redundancy with respect to article 7 of these general conditions of use).

● «Usage Data»: Information collected automatically by Pass Jeunes (or by third-party services employed by Pass Jeunes), which may include the IP addresses or domain names of computers used by Users who use Pass Jeunes, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response from the server ( favorable result, error, etc.), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and the operating system used by the User, the various details relating to the time per visit (e.g. time spent on each page in the Application) and details relating to the path followed in the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters concerning the User's operating system or computer environment.

Article 1 – Acceptance of the content of the application

The User must undertake to carefully read the content of this document, and expressly and unreservedly accepts all the rules and obligations set out therein.

Article 2 - Access to the application

Access to the application and its use are reserved for strictly personal use. You agree not to use this application and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political or advertising purposes.

Article 3 - Content of the application

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or still images, video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that could be used to operate this application, and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the application are protected by the laws in force under intellectual property. They are the full and entire property of the publisher or its partners.Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher, is strictly prohibited and engages legal liability. of its author. The fact that the publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of said uses and waiver of prosecution.

Article 3.1 - Sharing of personal data with third parties

The personal data collected may be transmitted to N+ONE, located at 2, rue Hmida Lakrari -ex Celli – 20000 (Hosting provider) and SEOCOM SARL, located at Etage 1 Imm C Appt 3 residence Al Abraj Bokar Marrakech 40030 Marrakech, Morocco (Outsourcing Provider) for data storage and hosting purposes.

Article 4 - Management of the application

For the proper management of the application, the publisher may at any time:

● Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the application, reserve access to the application, or to certain parts of the application, to a specific category of Internet users

● Delete any information that may disturb it operation or coming intocontradiction with national or international laws, or with the rules of Netiquette (rules of good manners in use on the Internet)

● Suspend the application in order to perform updates.

Article 5 - Responsibilities of the Publisher and the Data ControllerThe responsibility of the publisher cannot be engaged in the event of failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation, preventing access to the application or to one of its functionalities. The app connection hardware you use is entirely your responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your own data, in particular from viral attacks via the Internet.

You are also solely responsible for the sites, applications and data that you consult. The publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of legal proceedings against you:

● Due to the use of the application or any service accessible via the Internet;

● Due to your failure to comply with this Privacy Policy.The publisher is not responsible for damage caused to yourself, to third parties and/or to your equipment as a result of your connection or your use of the application, therefore you waive any action against it. If the publisher were to be the subject of an amicable or legal procedure because of your use of the application, it may turn against you to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, convictions and costs that could arise from this procedure.

Article 6 - Hypertext linksThe establishment by users of any hypertext links to all or part of the application is authorized by the publisher. Any link must be removed at the publisher's request. The publisher is not responsible for the information published and accessible via a hypertext link published on the application. The publisher has no rights to the content present in said link.

Article 7 - Data collection and protection

The information collected on the application is subject to processing intended to grant offers to young people between the ages of 16 and 30 (freebies, reductions, etc.) granted either by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication either by its partners.

In accordance with Law No. 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of February 18, 2009, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, you have the right to access and rectification of information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting [email protected]. You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you. This processing has been notified and authorized by the CNDP under receipt / authorization no. of …….

The personal data collected by the Publisher may be transmitted to N+ONE, located at 2, rue Hmida Lakrari -ex Celli – 20000 (Hosting provider) and SEOCOM SARL, located at Etage 1 Imm C Appt 3 residence Al Abraj Bokar Marrakech 40030 Marrakech, Morocco (Outsourcing provider) for data storage and hosting purposes

The personal data that may be collected are as follows:

● Surname and first name

● Age and date of birth

● Postal address


● e-mail address

● Phone number

● Professional activity

● Picture

Article 8 - User's right

In application of the regulations applicable to personal data, users have the following rights:

● The right of access: you can exercise your right of access, to know the personal data concerning you, by writing to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. In this case, before the implementation of this right, the owner of the application may request proof of your identity in order to verify its accuracy.

● The right of rectification: if the personal data held by the owner of the application is inaccurate, you can request that the information be updated.

● The right to delete data: you can request the deletion of your personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

● The right to restriction of processing: you can request the owner of the application to restrict the processing of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

● The right to object to data processing: you can object to your data being processed in accordance with the assumptions provided for by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

● The right to portability: you can request that the owner of the application give you the personal data provided to transmit them to another site. You can exercise this right by contacting us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].

All requests must be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid identity document, signed, and must mention the address at which the publisher of the application can contact the applicant. The response will be sent within one month of receipt of the request. This one-month period may be extended by two months if the complexity of the request and/or the number of requests so requires.

Article 9 - Use of data

The personal data collected from users is intended to provide the services of the application, to improve them and to maintain a secure environment. Specifically, the uses are as follows:

● Access and use of the application by the user;

● Operation management and optimization of the application;

● Implementation of user assistance;

● Verification, identification and authentication of data transmitted by the user;

● Prevention and detection of fraud, malware (malicious software or malicious software) and management of security incidents;

● Management of any disputes with users.

Article 10 - Data retention policy

The owner of the application keeps your data in order to provide you with its services or to provide you with assistance. This, to the extent reasonably necessary or required to meet legal or regulatory obligations, to settle disputes, to prevent fraud and abuse or to apply our terms and conditions. We may also retain some of your information if necessary, even after you have closed your account. Your data is kept for up to 12 months after this.

Article 11 - Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is governed by Moroccan law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the publisher's registered office, subject to a specific attribution of jurisdiction resulting from a particular law or regulation.For any questions, information on the offers presented on the application, or concerning the application itself, you can leave a message at the following address: [email protected].